Ilkka Kaikuvuo joins Scene Arts

Kaikuvuo has a varied career path. His roots are in the IT sector, but over the years he has brought with him a wide range of experience from many different industries. Kaikuvuo has studied software production and hypermedia at Tampere University of Technology. After his studies, he worked as a researcher and lecturer, leading to…

Ilkka Kaikuvuo

Kaikuvuo has a varied career path. His roots are in the IT sector, but over the years he has brought with him a wide range of experience from many different industries. Kaikuvuo has studied software production and hypermedia at Tampere University of Technology. After his studies, he worked as a researcher and lecturer, leading to management and product development positions in companies, such as e-commerce for Itella and on the board of Vilkka.

Kaikuvuo has built his fortune and career in technology start-ups. In 2007, he co-founded Surveypal, a company focused on feedback management. Kaikuvuo played an active role in the early stages of the company’s rapid development and the opening of the US market. He is also a co-founder of Framery, a manufacturer of office phone heads, whose majority stake was sold to Vaaka Partners in 2018.

Kaikuvuo’s list of achievements also includes the title of Young Board Member of the Year 2021. The Future Board, which creates and shares future board knowledge, awarded him this title. Kaikuvuo is currently CEO of Varaani Works, an IT consultancy in Tampere, and chairs the boards of several growth companies. Kaikuvuo is a recognised and respected business developer. He helps ensure peace of mind for management teams and supports companies in their growth processes.

– At Scene Arts, we are interested in the spirit of doing and excellence combined with the megatrend of hybrid events. After Korona, people will need to meet again, but some will certainly stay away. People are consuming more digital content and want to return to events later – a mere memory is not enough. Scene Arts has an excellent offering, sufficient agility and the potential to do well as a young and hungry company,” says Kaikuvuo.

– Ilka’s enthusiasm for our company creates a strong sense that we have done things right. Ilkka brings with him capital for growth, an extensive network and world-class entrepreneurial skills, which will add significantly to Scene Arts’ credibility. Early this year, Arto Remes, a successful digital marketing and media professional, joined the team, and now Ilkka. The fact that things have developed in this way makes me deeply grateful. The company is emerging as a national event technology powerhouse, with the necessary technological expertise. The future looks bright and strongly hybrid, says Joonatan Niemi, founding partner and CEO of Scene Arts.