Video production

Scene Arts offers professional video production services for the content production needs of companies and communities outside the event context. Whether it’s a television commercial or a stripped-down video package for internal corporate communications, Scene Arts can meet your needs.

Blue Flame Stories is Scene Arts’ video production partner.

Professional video production

Companies can achieve significant added value through professional video production. Communication that uses video is perceived as clearer and can engage viewers more effectively than text or photos alone. Not only are videos more memorable, but they also reach a wider audience on social media platforms.

Our daily rate for video shoots (8 hours) starts from €1 270, including labour and equipment rental.

The daily rate for editing (8 h) is €770.

Below are examples of videos where we can offer our expertise and support to communication, marketing and advertising agencies.

Product or service presentation video

These videos focus specifically on a company’s products or services, showcasing their features and benefits. Well-executed product and service videos provide additional information and engage the customer’s interest.

Prices start from €1 470.

Customer experience video

Customer experience videos showcase the customer’s experience of a company’s products or services. Customer experience videos are a powerful tool for building trust and guiding purchase decisions.

Prices start from €1 870.

Promotional videos

The power of a promotional video is based on repetition and/or an insightful message. We offer production of commercial spots for television and web. Spot lengths are usually 7, 10, 15, 30 or 45 seconds.

As the content of the spot has a significant impact on the price, please ask for a quote!


Training and how-to videos

These videos can be aimed at both staff and customers, providing instructions on the use, installation, maintenance or other processes of products or services. Training and how-to videos increase customer satisfaction.

Request a quote!

Recruitment videos

Companies use videos of their staff, such as employee testimonials, to attract new employees. The video can showcase the culture, benefits and opportunities of the workplace. Engaging employee experience videos bring in more quality job seekers.

Price from €1 870.

Brand video

A brand video usually conveys the desired message in a more emotional way than a standard company presentation video. The aim can be to deepen brand awareness or to create an emotion and thus leave a lasting impression on the viewer. It can be used to reinforce the brand of a company, the third sector or an individual, and to support marketing. A brand video can be, for example, between 30 and 120 seconds long.

Price from €2 470.

Video of the day

As the name suggests, a mood video can be used to recapture the atmosphere of an event, for example, and to create an aftermovie. Similarly, a mood video can be used in pre-marketing to raise the expectations of the target audience.

A mood video can include a voiceover or short slogans, but this format also works with music alone. 30-60 seconds is usually enough to achieve the objective. The content of the video can be a documentary of the event, for example, or more planned and acted out.

Price from 1 270 €.

Aerial photography

Change your perspective with a drone! We aerially shoot both photos and videos around Finland as stand-alone shoots or even as part of a video production package.

Price from 197 €.

Mini documentary

This can be a history of a company in video format or an in-depth video of about 15 minutes on a specific topic.

Price from €12 700.

We carry out our video production services with courtesy, discretion and confidence.

Video production – the process

Commissioning a video production from Scene Arts is easy. We have outlined our production process here:

1. Request for Quote

Please contact us with your video production requirements. It’s okay if you don’t have a specific plan for the production yet – you can also just tell us what you want to achieve with the video.

2. Request a quote

Based on your wishes, we will make you an offer and a price for the production. You can see the starting prices on this page.


3. Start-up meeting

After your offer has been accepted, we will hold a planning meeting with you, during which we will brainstorm, create a preliminary shooting schedule and listen carefully to your wishes. If necessary, we will suggest possible solutions to any outstanding issues. We also want to discuss the main objective of the video.

4. Production

The production phase of a video includes filming, recording, lighting and logistics.

5. Editing phase

Initially, we will make a rough draft of the video so that you can comment on the final result. Based on your comments, we will finalise the video and deliver it to you as agreed.

6. Evaluation

We will be happy to have an evaluation discussion on how well we have served your objectives. At this stage at the latest, it is worth considering a longer-term video production partnership. It is a long-term video production partnership agreement that will deliver the best results.

The best results are achieved through a long-term video production partnership­agreement.

Blue Flame Stories video production­references

Video production references Co-productions

Video production from us in the following steps


Request a solution

Contact us and tell us what kind of production resource your company is looking for. At this stage, you are not committing to anything, but you will receive valuable information.


Let’s create a solution

Together, we will create a partnership programme for the technical implementation of your video productions that meets your needs. We will price the video production so that your company makes a reasonable margin.

Depending on the technical and artistic requirements of the production, we will either carry out the project entirely with our own team or in collaboration with Blue Flame Stories.


Focus on sales

You can say “yes” to increased demand without worrying.


Ask for a solution!