Event planning – is it worth outsourcing?

This time, the production of the Eventilla webinar series was carried out by Scene Arts webinar studio in Oulu. The episode discussed event planning. When is it worth outsourcing the implementation of an event, and what kind of things should be taken into account when choosing a partner? How to build the right atmosphere for…

This time, the production of the Eventilla webinar series was carried out by Scene Arts webinar studio in Oulu. The episode discussed event planning. When is it worth outsourcing the implementation of an event, and what kind of things should be taken into account when choosing a partner? How to build the right atmosphere for the event? What are the biggest misconceptions that event professionals encounter in their work?

We summarised the most important tips in this article. Watch the webinar recording in full at the end of the article, and try our price calculator!

1. Implementation depending on the nature of the event

The first step in planning an event is to determine the nature and objectives of the event. Is it a remote event, a live event or a hybrid event that combines both remote and presence? Each mode of delivery offers its own opportunities and challenges, so it is important to choose the right option according to the needs of the event and the target audience.

2. Remote, live or hybrid?

Remote events have gained popularity recently, offering the opportunity to reach large audiences and save on travel costs. Live events, on the other hand, offer a unique experience and interaction opportunity for participants. Hybrid events combine the best of both worlds. So choose your delivery method carefully based on your event objectives and target audience.

3. When to involve professionals?

The scale and requirements of the event will influence when it is time to involve professionals. Smaller events can often be organised in-house, but for larger and more complex events, it is worth considering using event production professionals. Professionals have the experience and skills that can help create an impressive and smooth event experience.

Eventilla Vilma Autio keskustelemassa tapautuman suunnittelusta ja toteutuksesta.

4. Events as part of a brand

Events play an important role in brand building and communication. They provide an opportunity to create a unique experience and to communicate brand values and messages to participants. When planning and executing an event, it is important to consider the brand identity and ensure that the event supports the brand’s communication and strategy.

5. Ways to achieve the right atmosphere

Creating the right atmosphere at an event is key to the experience of participants. Lighting, soundscape, visuals and décor can all contribute to the atmosphere of an event. Use lighting to create desired effects and highlight specific areas. The soundscape can include music, speeches and sound effects that support the theme of the event. Visuals can use brand graphics and colours. Interior design creates welcoming areas and workshop environments.

6. Getting the whole picture right without forgetting the details

A successful event requires careful planning and attention to detail. Schedule the programme elements and allow for the necessary breaks. Take care of logistics, space management, programme content and participants’ well-being. Check the technical details, such as sound and lighting, and make sure they work before the event.

7. How to choose the right partner for you

Event organisers can benefit from working with a reliable and competent partner. Choose a partner who understands the needs of your event and has experience in organising similar events. Do your background research and check the partner’s references and previous customer feedback. Talk to them openly and clarify your expectations to make sure you choose the right partner for you.

Tapahtuman suunnittelu ja budjetointi hintalaskurilla.

8. What kind of budget gets you what?

The budget of an event is a key factor in its implementation. Make a realistic estimate of the costs and set your budget accordingly. Prioritise the most important aspects and explore different options to get the best value for money. Remember to leave some flexibility for unexpected costs.

Overall, organising an event requires careful planning, flexibility and attention to detail. Choose the right approach depending on the nature of the event and your objectives. Pay attention to creating the right atmosphere and keep the whole under control without forgetting the details. Choose a reliable partner and plan your budget carefully. These will help you organise a successful event that meets expectations and leaves participants with a positive experience.

Try our price calculator to calculate the cost of technology for your event, webinar or podcast!

Watch the full webinar recording below.