How much does event technology cost? – calculate with the price calculator

What led us to develop an event technology price calculator? Estimating the cost of event technology is difficult, especially when you don’t have a regular order for the service or when organising an event for the first time is on your to-do list. Moreover, the same event can involve productions of very different sizes, which…

What led us to develop an event technology price calculator?

Estimating the cost of event technology is difficult, especially when you don’t have a regular order for the service or when organising an event for the first time is on your to-do list. Moreover, the same event can involve productions of very different sizes, which can make it impossible to estimate the right price/quality ratio without seeing the final implementation.

The calculator provides a price range that you know you can achieve on the principle of affordable premium . It does not offer the cheapest option, let alone the price of a Eurovision-sized event. It calculates a price range for an implementation that we can proudly stand behind with a cost structure that we have found to be reasonable in our previous productions. It is aimed particularly at you who need a reliable price anchor to get started with event technology in your event planning. We hope, of course, that the calculator will also be useful for those for whom events are a daily occurrence.

The price calculator has been well received

It was the customers who have worked with the test version of the calculator that convinced us to release it. In one meeting, a hopeful question was asked: “So is this open to everyone or just a tool to support sales in customer meetings?”. To our delight, we could tell that the calculator is of course open to everyone to spin. “When I present your services internally, the first question I am asked is the price.”

Publishing the calculator is exciting and atypical for the industry, but we firmly believe it will help event organisers.