Technical implementation of the Children and Youth Foundation’s online event in Oulu


Children and Youth Foundation

Background information on the event

The virtual event, held in autumn 2022, was part of the Foundation’s Futurefari activity, where young people without a job or education strengthen their belief in the future and their understanding of the changes in working life in workshops using theatre and future work. Cooperation with local businesses opens up new perspectives on working life for young people. The aim of the online event was to highlight the importance of futures work for young people and to describe the experience and impact of the activities of the young people who took part in Futures Month and the professionals working around them.

Background to the production

The client reported that the programme of the online event included both live presentations and activities and pre-recorded material. The livestream could also be attended remotely by visitors. The event should be as relaxed, dynamic and engaging as possible. A wide range of content would require a versatile and flexible technology provider.

Our solution

We started with a joint meeting to design the technical implementation of the online event. The event featured a large amount of pre-produced video footage, which we edited and captioned. We built a customized studio for our client at Oulu Voimala the day before the event. We went through the event point by point with our client’s representatives and made sure everything worked. After the production, the tension was released, leaving everyone feeling good and with positive energy!