Hallitus­partnerit and Future Board hybrid event in Tampere


Hallituspartnerit ry and Future Board ry

Background information on the event

Our client, Hallituspartnerit ry and Future Board ry, organised an event at Tampere Technopolis, where they wanted to enable remote participation. The event organiser asked us to help them with the technical implementation to ensure that the event was comfortable and, above all, clear for remote participants.

The starting point for the production

The event organiser was looking for a technical partner who would take care of the technical implementation of the streaming in its entirety. Slide shows and audio with mixing would be necessary. It also turned out that the client needed customised graphics for the streaming.

Our solution

We started the preparations with a joint telephone conference call and continued communication via email. The day before the event, we went to set up all the technology in the event space. On the day of the event, we took care of the technology on a turnkey basis, recorded the event and delivered the edited and edited videos to the client within the agreed time.