Webinar as a service

How about a webinar as a service, where you receive a complete webinar package on a partnership basis? We will technically implement your interactive webinars and provide a webinar platform with a mobile app. The package includes the design of a pop-up studio with your brand identity to differentiate you in the webinar market. The quality of the sound and images will convey a professional image of your organisation, and of course the location will be appropriately lit. In addition, we will produce material from the broadcast to support your marketing.

Interested in a webinar partnership?

Webinar as a service – partnership

A webinar partnership is an annual package that includes the number of webinars you want.

The package includes:

  • A pop-up webinar studio exclusively tailored to your organisation, which easily moves from location to location nationwide. To brand the studio, we will consider furniture, lighting, screens, props to showcase your brand/products, backdrop fabric, etc.
  • An energetic intro video and your branded name badges and graphics
  • Upfront work: clarifying presentations for presenters, technical needs of remote speakers and the amount of meeting time required
  • Webinar platform moderated by us and branded to your visual identity
  • Integration with your registration systems / organisation of the registration system through our partner
  • Chat, surveys and star ratings
  • Technical arrangements for remote speakers
  • Angle changes, high quality mixing, slides and videos on air
  • Content package to support your marketing: a recording, your choice of subtitled somevideo clips from the broadcast and your choice of somegraphics to highlight the content of the broadcast

We will deliver your webinar with courtesy, consideration and confidence.

Webinar as a service – why Scene Arts?

Webinars and event technology are often provided by companies that speak the language of either marketing or technology. We are fluent in both. While we don’t take a position on the content of webinars and events, we know how to use both technology and techniques to further your goals.

You get the technology (cameras, lights, mics and more), the technology (webinar application), the practical implementation and the marketing support materials all in one package. These will be delivered by our helpful, courteous and energetic team!


Your benefits:

  • Consistency
  • More from the webinar
  • A professional image
  • Interaction with the target group
  • Reachability
  • Ease – no technical adjustment for you
  • Reliability of delivery
  • A responsible and listening partner
  • The whole package from one place, effortlessly

We pay attention to aesthetics. We too are annoyed by the overly technical approach to webinars and events. Setting and lighting are important elements, and we use them to convey a professional image of your organisation.

Webinaari palveluna - toimiva alusta on tärkeää

Webinar as a service from us in the following steps


Request a solution

Contact us and tell us what kind of webinar series you have planned. At this stage, you are not committing to anything, but you will receive valuable information.


We work with you to develop

We take a holistic approach to developing the technical and technological implementation of your webinar series.



We take care of the implementation with a polite, considered and confident approach. We want you to achieve your goals while increasing the quality image of your organisation among your target audience.


Ask for a solution!