International virtual event for car manufacturer Geely


Geely Group, Mingle Advisors & Oulu Automotive Cluster

Background information on the event

Geely Group, Mingle Advisors & Oulu Automotive Cluster (BusinessOulu) commissioned us to provide technical execution for the Geely Design Visions virtual event, which brought together designers from around the world to pitch their ideas to a panel of experts from Chinese automaker Geely.

Production baseline

Our client was looking for a partner who would take care of the technical organisation of the virtual event in its entirety. The event would be attended by people from all over the world, and the planning of the event would require communication with Geely and BusinessOulu representatives in particular. The meeting of pitchers and experts would be organised as a remote meeting, which would be streamed to viewers. Tailored graphics also had to be created for the broadcast.

Our solution

The event was planned in close cooperation with the client. We produced the graphic materials for the event, including name badges and a customised waiting slide with embedded video. We built the virtual event studio the day before the event, ensuring that the connections were functional. By the time H-hour arrived, everything went smoothly and our client’s event achieved its goal.