City of Oulu New Year’s Eve celebration 31.12.2022


City of Oulu

Background information on the event

The New Year’s Eve celebration organised by the City of Oulu on 31 December 2022 was centred around a 40-metre-wide lightwork consisting of water jets and pyrotechnics. Before the actual light show, there was another programme on the stage in front of the work. The event took place at Oulu’s Kauppatori square and attracted almost 5 000 people.

The starting point of the production

Our client needed sound, lighting and electrics for an outdoor event. The sound system should cover the entire Kauppatori, as there would be more than 3 000 people. In addition to the technical electrification, the water projection would need electricity, and everything would need to take into account the protection of the equipment from both the weather and water splashing on the work.

During the production, the client’s need for two videos (an aftermovie and a speech recording) also arose, which we took on.

Our solution

We started the production preparations by contacting all the parties involved in the evening’s programme. We arranged the necessary soundchecks and rehearsal times. We delivered the electrics to the Market Square a couple of days in advance so that the water lighting contractor could prepare their part in time. We implemented the sound system together with our subcontractor Ambient Audio Oy. The lighting and videography was successful despite the heavy water.

Watch our aftermovie of the event!